Installing GeoNetwork and Configuring the CSW v2.0.2 Server

  1. Retrieve the file geonetwork-csw-2.0.2.tar.gz from /downloads/Software/CSW.
  2. Save the tarball in the location where you want GeoNetwork installed (possibly /usr/local or /opt).
  3. Extract the files with the command:
        tar zxvf geonetwork-csw-2.0.2.tar.gz
        gunzip -c geonetwork-csw-2.0.2.tar.gz | tar xvf -
  4. Change to the geonetwork/ directory and build the package with the command:
  5. Initialize the database by changing to the bin/ directory and running the GAST utility.  Depending on whether you are running Unix or Windows, you will run or start-gast.bat
  6. In the GAST menu, select Database|Setup, then click the Setup button and Yes to confirm your action.  This erases the database of any existing data and re-initializes it, so be careful if you already have records stored in the database.  You will need to export them using GAST before initializing, then import them back.
  7. You can now exit GAST.
  8. Now start GeoNetwork.  Depending on whether you are running Unix or WIndows, you will run or start-geonetwork.bat
  9. Open a browser window and go to http://localhost:8080/geonetwork (or replace localhost with your server name if doing the administration remotely).
  10. Log in as the administrator (initially username admin, password admin but don't forget to change the default password).
  11. On the command menu at the top of the screen, below the logo, select Administration.
  12. In order to make the CSW GetCapabilities document to return correct information, you need to go to the System configuration link and fill out the form to give (at least) the correct server host name and port number.  Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to return to the main Administration page.
  13. At this point, your CSW server is configured and ready to run.  You can import metadata now - don't forget to set permissions for the records to make sure they're globally accessible.  Your CSW server's GetCapabilities link is:


    where <servername> should be replaced by your own server's name, that you have not changed the port number from the default of 8080, and that the default language for your server is set to English ("en").